High quality voice generation!

Transform any text to Hyper Realistic Voices in seconds

Create a voice for your video or podcast in seconds. Just select a voice from our library and edit the text to your liking. You can control the speed of your speech, the language and the gender of the voice.

Create High Quality Voices right from the start!

All this samples are created using Olbrite Voices.

Create narrations in just 3 steps

1. Fill the text

Just write the text you want to use to generate the narrations you need.

2. Choose your voice

Select from over 100 languages and variations and more than 600 voices.

3. Download your file

All your files are saved for you to download or review them at any moment.

Stop wasting time creating voiceovers! There‘s an easy and better way to create humansounding voiceovers in seconds!

US Voice

UK Female Voice






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Woman in Red Sweater Wearing White Headphones

Over 600 voices to Choose from

Build your own voice in a matter of seconds.

Record an audio message, choose a voice preset, press save and you’re done. You can even customize the voice with our editing tools.

All your content now can be heard

What can you create?

Tik Tok and Social Content

Easily audio to your videos to make them more engaging, informative and viral worthy!


Create astounding presentations with voiceover will be easier to share and learn from.

Video Ads

Create unlimited engaging variations of voiceover for ads within minutes.


Create podcast is as easy as paste the content and boom! Your next podcast is ready!

Youtube Videos

Make engaging new videos for your Youtube channel in minutes instead of days!

Online Courses

No more hours of recordings and editing. Now you can create voiceover for courses in seconds!

Who uses Olbrite Voices?

what our clients have to say

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elit. Proin rutrum euismod dolor, ultricies aliq luam off
kool or taka ekolor.

Let your message to have a voice with Olbrite Voices!

Portrait Photography of Woman Wearing White Wireless Headphones


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